
I've been warming up to the SX Tele I bought a while back, and find that I really enjoy a lot about the design of a Tele. However, I've been thinking about changing out the pickups some day (not real soon), and would like opinions on it.

I'm interested in swapping out the two single coils for a humbucker and P90. I don't have any experience with P90s right now, so one part of this whole thing would be to, you know, try out some P90s first to see if I like 'em. However, for the purposes of this thread, let's assume that's the final setup.

Where would you put the two pickups position-wise? HB in the neck and P90 in the bridge? That's my initial thought, but I figured all of you would probably have some actual reasons for your recommendations.

Also, any recommendations for pickups? Bear in mind that I'm pretty cheap by nature, so good value is probably high on the priority list, and it's also a freaking $100 guitar.
