But at some point down the road, there will be a need to park a vintage Super Reverb down at Nelskie Studios. Ain't nuthin' like the real thing, baby!
Some of you may remember the above statement in my "Modeling vs. Vintage" post under this section awhile back. Well . . . long story short - - it happened.

A good friend of mine was looking to down-size his current set-up, and knowing my affliction for vintage Fender tone, decided that his 1968 Silverface Super Reverb needed a new home. Ah yes, sometimes the stars and planets come into alignment. And I was quick to the task.

Being a wordsmith of somewhat capable regard, I can honestly tell you that I am almost at a total loss for words as to how this amp sounds. Well . . . almost. When you're face-to-face with vintage equipment, there's something totally different that happens to one's perception of tone. And indeed, it is truly a magical thing. Like walking into a beautiful, ancient church, and being enveloped by the sweet, spacious sound of a full choir. As your mind drifts into this alternate consciousness, you realize that each note and chord that you play has an innate and almost spiritual feel to it - - something that modeling technology has yet to define. The effect it has on one's playing is nothing short of glorious - - almost like there is a direct channel into every thought and emotion, which in turn, are instinctively transposed through your hands and fingers into something outer-worldly, and borderline mystical.

Having now supped from the Holy Grail, and felt its intoxicating allure, I can only tell you this: there's no turning back.

Ain't nuthin' like the real thing, baby!