By way of an update, after leaving the amp at work and just playing it there for a bit, I have had the amp home over the weekend. The Peavey is now at work. I really enjoy this Concert and think I will keep it. I am taking my time, getting to know the voices of the normal and vibrato channels, where I like the settings on each for what purpose, and for my two electric guitars. I also played my Martin through it as well, just to see what that was like (It was fun!).

So far, my strat is most immediately at home with it. You know, the Fender/Fender thing. My Hagstrom also sounds good with it, though I find I turn the treble up more with that guitar, as it is a slightly darker sounding guitar anyway.

Also so far, I find I want to use overdrive and distortion type pedals less with this amp as compared to my Peavey Classic 30, and that I like the sound of the amp itself more. I like the sound of my new ZYS more than the Bad Monkey through it, and also enjoy using just the MOSFET boost that is in my ZYS, especially if I have to play quietly. When I do use the ZYS overdrive, I like it to be set up pretty transparent. It bumps the midrange some then, but does not take away all the nice openess of the amph. The presence knob is also very useful.

So liking it very much indeed. Very articulate, and more articulate on the low end than my Peavey. Very fun to hit the low string to announce a chord change on this amp.