I'll start with the question and end with some explanations:

How can one increase the input volume when recording on a computer? Right now I use a Digitech RP100 headphone out -> soundblaster line in (1/8" stereo on both ends). The DAW is Ardour, which seems very similar to my experience with Sonar.

When I'm running without any amp models on the pedal, I can't seem to get enough juice. I have to max out all of the volume sliders in Ardour and it ends up being just barely enough volume. I don't need it to be too loud, but I'd like it normalized to what I play on the computer the rest of the time.

I don't want to make this a Linux-only question. Am I supposed to be putting a preamp in there somewhere? This is the part of recording that I don't get -- impedence, balanced/unbalanced, voltage, etc.

Just looking for a little help.