Hey guys, today (actually more like 2 days ago) I found some sweet deals on some Marshall amps, I found the Marshall Valvestate 100 (yes yes I know people say they suck but I actually played one and it sounds like a true tube amp to me, seriously) anyway the Valvestate 100 is being sold for... *gasp* (hehe) $270! Oh my, that is cheap considering it is in very good condition and new it costs $600+ at MF.

The second one is a pretty old amp but the name is so cool and the price is so low I could not resist! Its a Marshall 1987 Master Lead Combo, its a SS not a hybrid like the Valvestate but I bet it sounds sweet, there is no exact specs on the site so I sent them an email but I read some review's and usually it comes with one 12" G12M in most review's (I think) and its $200! (man what a great day), anyway I just wanted to get your opinions guys on which one I should get, I myself am thinking to go the Master Lead Combo because of the nice speaker and its cheaper plus its not 100w, the valvestate might be too loud for home use considering it has a tube like behaviour so it sounds better cranked, ok I'll stop mumbling now, what do you guys think?