Hey there fretters,

The past 6-7 months had been pretty stressful, but in a very positive way. Besides my regular job, I had three major music projects that required 7-10 hours of extra work per week. I have diminished my online time to a minimum and concentrated on composing, recording, producing and of course GITAAAAH PLAYING :-) Was more of a forum reader during that time.

After having finished the last music project last week, I rewarded myself with a longtime dream of mine. A Strat that is almost as old as I am :-)

This lady is one year younger than I am. I have checked a bunch of seventies Strats and I must say that you can easily forget about all the predjudices against mid and late 70s CBS period Fender guitars. Most of the guitars I have played were beautiful and great sounding instruments, way better than most of the instruments you can buy today. I wonder why so many forums are full of horror information on these guitars. It's like with everything you can buy. Go, test, decide, buy! There's always good and bad.

I had to decide between two very lightweighted guitars, a 74 and this 76 Hard Tail, but this 76 was really talking to me. It's natural growl and all the blues miles this baby drove over the past 34 years left an unmistakable MOJO and tone. I bought it at my favourite dealer who bought it from the first owner, so everything about this guitar is 100% original - I have thouroughly checked this with the help of a very reputable vintage dealer. Everything is just perfect about this instrument and it feels like the perfect Strat for me.

Here's a little widdelywiddelywiddely clip I made a couple of days ago. You can see from the look in my eyes that I am in love with this instrument *lol* I hope you enjoy the video and the pic.