Hello, I'd like to buy a 5F1 Tweed Champ style amplifier in Europe.
I'd like to stay below 600 EUROs (roughly $800), shipping and taxes included. I'd like a nice speaker in it (a Jensen P8R maybe), and want it to be wired point-to-point.

My first choice would be a Victoria 518 or 5112, but with shipping to Europe and custom taxes it would be several hundred dollars more expensive than what I can afford at the moment. My second choice would be a Fender 57 Champ reissue, but that's also quite pricy (in Europe it costs about 900 EUROs).

I found this kit at a store in Germany ("Tube Amp Doctor"):


but with shipping and a speaker (not included in the kit) it comes to almost exactly 600 EUROs. The problem is that I've only built pedals so far, I don't own a drill which seems to be required, I'm afraid I might electrocute myself, and while I have some soldering experience, I don't trust my cabinet work skills. And the price doesn't allow me room for paying somebody else to build the kit.

Does anybody know where an already built 5F1 Tweed Champ clone can be bought from, either in Europe, or cheap enough from the US (yes I'm also considering eBay )?
