In my quest for tone I have been through probably 30 Electric guitars and 6 or seven tube amps.
I have always heard people talk about their #1 guitar. One that just feels right, sounds right and plays like a dream.
I have some wonderful guitars but I seem to move from one to another.
Then I realized that my Gold Top Classic had just about everything I wanted except the tone. It is light for a Les Paul, quite pleasing to the eye, I love the 60s profile on the neck an the action has been set perfect for me.
I really was not upset with the ceramics but I just wanted a more vintage Gibby tone.
I have never modded or changed anything on any of my guitars in the past other than having a bone nut installed on one of my Sheratons. I was always reluctant to mess with them.
I listened to many Humbuckers but decided I really liked the Burstbuckers PAF
type tone. I was lucky enough to find a set of BB1 and BB2s out of a Gibby Historic with aged covers. I mentioned it in another thread.
I heard a lot about the RS Vintage pot and cap kits and ordered one for it. I had them all intstalled.
Now after playing it endlessly for 3 or 4 days I realize it has everything I wanted in a guitar and now can be my number 1 guitar.
The pickups are sweet and go from smooth jazz tones to raunchy blues solos.
The new volume and tone pots make dialing in just about anything you want possible. Cudos to RS for their kits, worth every nickel. The neck pickup has none of the "muddiness" that some LPs are known for.
I am a happy camper!
I guess a couple of pics are in order.