Hi everybody -

I played guitar as a kid, crunching a ton of metallica and not much else I was never very dedicated to actually learning music and guitar playing went by the way side.

About a year and a half ago I decided to give bass a go - for some reason I feel drawn to string instruments and have a desire to play them. After about 15 basses, 2 bands and a lot of lessons I've decided that bass isn't for me.

I have learned quite a bit in that time regarding the fretboard, some scales and specific styles (focused a lot on blues). Also learned to read the bass clef.

I'm wanting to play rock/metal, blues, and jazz.

Just bought a Line 6 Spider 4 75W amp and am buying a used BC Rich Mockingbird Masterpiece (in dragon's blood - lol!!) this evening. Funny guitar kinda for a 40-year old, but I hear it plays OK.

I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy playing guitar again - I know I'm excited to get everything hooked up tonight

Since I'm coming back to guitar after such a long hiatus - I'm wondering that others might think would be a good approach. Just start listening to music/playing again? Or should I take a more academic, structured approach?