I really like thick neck guitars. But I've noticed that most people, when talking about thick necks, think about bigger medium sized necks - especially when coming from the Ibanez-shredder world.

So let's clarify: by thick necks I mean baseball bat necks, like Gibson used to put on their guitars in the 1950s, like the ones that you can find today on some of their Custom Shop VOS 5x reissues (NOT the 60s slimmer neck profile). That's what floats my boat.

Now, a few years ago I got a second hand Fender Hot Rod 52 Reissue Telecaster guitar, and while I love it's tone I've been wondering if Fender (or a boutique clone maker, or whoever) makes guitars with necks comparable to the '50s Gibson necks. People on Internet forums keep saying that the Hot Rod 52 has a thick neck, but I don't know what they compare it to. It feels half the size of a typical Gibson '50s neck.

I've heard that the Stratocaster SRV reissues have a thick neck. Is it any closer to my paragon of thickness? Do you know of any other Fender type guitars with a thick neck (and by thick I mean etc. etc. - not thicker than most guitars).
