We currently run:

Peavey PV14 mixer
Samson 2200 amp to Warfdale Pro 115's
Behringer 2500 amp to Warfdale Pro 118 subs
Some cheap 100W amp from ebay for monitors - (mix and matched Warfdale and Yorkville 115's)
Behringer DEQ2456 EQ/Comp/Limiter etc.
Behringer FBQ1502 EQ (to tweak the front end a bit, plus utilize the sub out/crossover)

Everything is run mono for simplicity sake. Not the most expensive gear on the market, but it's been working very well for us.

3 channels for Vox, Drums (electronic), Bass, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar

We were running PV215's up front but kept blowing horn drivers We tried the Warfdale 115's and 118 subs and find them to be a big improvement sound-wise.

This system is pretty flexible... we've done a bar gig with only the 115's on sticks, no instrument amps - everything direct to the PA and a couple of monitors and it sounded great (and less gear to haul). If we do anything of considerable size we'll rent some more gear to augment, or just hire a sound tech with PA (cost added to our asking price of course).