okay so im newww to this shizz.. basically im 19 year old girl.. ive had a guitar for about 5 years as i got one for my 14th birthday and maybe picked it up twice.

now im eager to learn it.. ive got 3 guitars- ive got a strat and an ibanez acoustic.. and a random guitar i got free with a car i bought =/ LOL.. anyways.. ive been playing the acoustic and ive played it for about 2 days nearly solid-- now ive been expecting my fingers to hurt- but they are BADDD i mean im finding it hard to type and do daily things lol.. is this normal?

also another question is- somehow i broke the jack plug in thing on my acoustic so it actually is just a wooden hole with the thing moving around inside if you shake it- is this expensive to get fixed?? it just needs to be fed thru with like a washer and a screw is what it looks like- but to be honest i have no idea what im talking about.

ive purchased a book that teaches me chords and then rhythm patterns- later on going to playing individual strings and learning tabulature- and finally combining all- is this a wise approach to get the most out of learning?? it seems like a good book and i have a cd whcih i play along to. it seems to be working for me- what are your thoughts? thanks in advance

OH- one more question..

you know on tabulature its got like individual strings to play and then a chord at the top- what does this mean?? thanks