So I have heard ( dont know much of anything myself about guitars) that the
maple boards will look nicer for a longer time, and that the rosewood, being
much darker will show signs of more wear from strings on board being pushed in
and wiggled around. (brain fart...I should know the name for this action).

So then its basically the look and not the feel when it comes to the

Thank you to all.........last question, what do you use to clean your
boards with???? Special stuff at guitar store or lemon pledge or what????

(dont yell at me, I did not use pledge on my guitar, just asking)


Thanks for info !!!!!!!!!!


Yesterday I learned how to check for do a light press
near the 12th string metal fret (harmonics) and then you play the actual
fret and they should sound the same. KEWL.....I did it right away with
my MIM 60th and it was PERFECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I checked each
fret for noise or buzzing and it was now I guess I will know
how to check out guitars a little bit better for in the future !!!!!!