I am trying to get together the hardware and wiring for this Strat that is now like 5 years in the making. I am going traditional (three single coils) and most of the wiring I have seen has one capacitor with values ranging from 0.02uF to 0.1uF. Any takes on this? I was planning on using a capacitor I salvaged from a friends guitar that he smashed at the end of a great show because it has mojo. The multimeter says it's a 48nF (0.048uF) cap.

I was also going to use some high end audio wire for all the connections, but then I was reminded of something that one of my mentors once said to me about underwound pickups and cheap cables... that when you are talking about sound, a hotter signal or more gain or higher wattage, etc., etc.... is not necessarily better. Sometimes that old, obsolete, inefficient, (dangerous, environmentally hazardous) stuff just has a unique character that the new stuff just doesn't have......

Any other comments or suggestions on Strat wiring?

What have you guys done that you have liked?