Hard as it is to accept, Internet & TV etc. are by far the largest expenditure one could live without. I easily spend something like 300-400 bucks a month just for those...we have four cell phones and six mobile data connections, ADSL+ and video-on-demand services etc, two PPC's, two laptops, two desktops, several online sites & domains...could do without most of them easy, if it came to that.

Including assorted PC hardware/upgrades and Xbox games and such adds up to a few hundred more. Which reminds me I'd need to buy another 1TB harddrive for the desktop...I could easily buy a very nice amp or guitar almost every month if I dropped all the computer etc. stuff and started reading instead. But instead a book or two I buy 2-3 Xbox/computer games a month.

Libraries...don't use no more. My time is so nonexistant these days, I simply have no time to read. Barely get to sleep 5-6 hours anyway although I'm supposed to be on holiday, can't spend any more time for reading. When I do, one book lasts me a month, and if I get one from library, I never have the time to finish it in due time & end up paying more for fines than a paperback copy would have cost, so I buy what I read most times.

Other than unnecessary technology, I could probably save another one or two hundred a month if I didn't use _any_ alcohol at all.

These are what my money goes to, besides mortgage&utility bills...other than that, I cycle to work, drive an old car as little as possible, never eat out or visit town really, or buy clothes etc. more than absolutely necessary. Often I don't eat real food at work to save a few bux, but buy those one-dollar 'coaster' pizzas to survive somehow (but that's good, keeps me thin.)