Anyone know of any freeware or shareware that I could download for simple video editing? I want to do some sound samples/demos to send someone showing amp settings. I'm not looking for a pro set up with all the bells and whistles. Although I'd like to have that,I just need something simple to edit video length. It would be cool if I could take only relevent pieces of video and assemble them in the order I want. At a minimum I need the capability to edit short videos to get under the 25mb email limit. That is somewhere between 20-30 seconds of video with the resolution settings I am using. If I could edit out the dead space from the videos (ie:the time it takes between turning on the camera and playing and the time after I stop playing and turn off the camera)it would give me enough room to get the relevant info recorded. Even compressing with a zip file it doesn't give you much time before hitting the 25 mb limit.
As it stands I have no way to edit video at all. I can only download to the PC and play it or burn it on CDR or DVD. I would like to be able to edit for youtube as well. I would like to put something on youtube at some point but don't really want to upload raw video with dead spots.
I would buy some software for this purpose eventually but if there was any free software out there I could download and use right away that would be helpful. I'm always reluctant to download free software for fear of spyware and things like that. So if you know of any spyware free place to get some video editing software I would appreciate the info.

Edit: I am running windows 7 home premium on my laptop with 2.1 GHZ proc, 2GB RAM,and 250 GB HDD with at least 2/3 free space left. I can usually run XP compatible software without trouble. It does give me the option to run Win7 in XP mode or even install and run individual programs with XP compatability mode but I haven't had to try it yet.