Welcome Home (Sanitarium) is very easy for the verse, the chorus chord changes are hard(well very fast) but the verse is basically a simple 2-finger chord you move around unchanged. One of the first songs I ever learned, probably the first solo I ever learned. (Rather easy the solo as well). Fade to black has nice basic chords you must learn pretty soon anyway. And yeah, Enter Sandman is the bane of all music store owners everywhere...at least used to be. Simple.
"When life's a biatch, be a horny dog"
Amps: Marshall JVM 410H w/ Plexi Cap mod, Choke Mod & Negative Feedback Removal mod, 4x12", Behringer GMX110, Amplitube 3/StealthPedal
Half a dozen custom built/bastardized guitars all with EMG's, mostly 85's, Ibanez Artwood acoustic & Yamaha SGR bass, Epiphone Prophecy SG, Vox Wah, Pitchblack tuner plus assorted pedals, rack gear etc. for home studio use.