Man, look at that powerslide! I have a few songs I want to learn to play lap on.
Been looking at those and the Rogue Jersey Lightning.
What did you buy you loved?
1. Epiphone 1956 GoldTop. I Just love this guitar past the honeymoon stage. My Jimmie Vaughan Fender has been replaced.
The P90's give me every tone I could ask for. The Pots actually work on this guitar and would buy another in a heartbeat.
I love the neck, the look, hearing every note and the smile it puts on my face. I may have worn out the pickup switch already
2. JamVox, I just find the patches better then Line6 stuff. I used and totally liked the Toneport for years now.
But the JamVox, It's such a user friendly setup(to me) and used for my whole system including a desk mic.
after using the JamVox, the Toneport GX even with addon packs and Farm 2.0 sounds to sterile(to me).
The JamVox can be warm and lovely from the start. all those review words..juicy...tubey..warmth..I can add to this lil box.

What did you buy you hate?
1... I got a TekNmotion 7.1 surround Pulsewave Headset, USB and also 1/8th stereo on a double end. Also has VIBE and lights..
sits tight on the head and it does not come close to the quality of my Sony 7506's which I cherish. Although the VIBE does give your ears a good tickle.
It's ok for games, not for guitar as they color the sound to much. The surround really does not do as much for me in added hearing.
I usually sit with a headset on, so nothing beats the comfort of the 7506 imho.