Quote Originally Posted by helliott
Outstanding. Love the technology -- sounds very high end. Nice tune and axework too, and the vocals are strong. What's next for this tune? Pretty impressive for an early effort on the software. Is Cubebase what you recommend for getting started?

Thanks for the kind feedback Helliott.
Next for the tune will be changing up some of the drum parts, adding more verses, a few other tweaks and then mastering.

My version of Cubase is a full professional program. There are others out there that do the same things. Some are easier to understand, some are harder, it just depends on how your brain is wired. I started with the baby version of Cubase and eventually splurged for the full version when the price was right. I'm glad that I did.

All programs of this type have a substantial learning curve. What was recomended to me was "get one program and stick with it. You'll get to know it inside and out and that will allow you to do whatever it is you want with the program." Good advice if you ask me. So far I'm very happy with Cubase, but it took the Idiot's Guide to Recording With Cubase to get me comfortable.