Arjen Lucassen, the gifted Dutchman behind, Ayreon, Star One, Stream of Passion, Ambeon, and Vengance has released (finally) the sequel to the original Star One album "Space Metal" from 2002.

The first album was chocked full of guest stars and so is this one. The production is impeccable, the songs and playing are energetic and the different moods are sublime. At first listen this album does not dissapoint. Strong vocal contributions from Russel Allen (Symphony X), Damian Wilson (Headspace, Threshold), Floor Jansen (ex-After Forever, ReVamp), Dan Swanö (Nightingale, Second Sky, ex-Edge of Sanity), Tony Martin (Ex-Black Sabbath).

With the addition of Gary Wehrkamp the rest of the original Star One lineup remains unchanged in the Instrumentalist department.

Arjen Lucassen - Guitars, keyboards
Ed Warby - Drums (Ayreon, Hail of Bullets, Gorefest)
Peter Vink - bass
Joost van den Broek - keyboard solos (Ex-After Forever)
Gary Wehrkamp - guitar solos (Shadow Gallery)

If this goes the way of the first Star One album there may be a tour and a DVD. Truly a great rock and roll stage production and highly entertaining. I've got my fingers crossed.