Quote Originally Posted by Spudman
But I was under the impression that the town actually got it's name from captain Spinney.
Can't say that I'm familiar with the Good Captain Haven't heard that one, and there is no "town" as such - never was. There was a post-office/general store at a crossroads (very Robert Johnson-ish ) but it has been gone for 20 years or more. The train depot was just a siding where they would pick up and drop off and it was about 4 miles from the store. It's a tight little farming community with your nearest neighbors sometimes 4 or 5 miles away. The little one-room school house a la Laura Ingalls Wilder was in use 1905-1963 (my Grandma was in the first grade 1 class) and is now used as a community center/hall. I can remember lots and lots of parties and dances and late night jam sessions that went until the sun came up (or the bar went dry)! Everyone seemed to play something. Very Appalachian, fiddles, banjos, guitars, harmonicas... spoons!! (I got my start in the rhythm section - then moved to bass).

Ahhh... good times. Good times.

Spud, give me a shout if you're ever brave enough to attempt another trek up my way!
