Quote Originally Posted by ZMAN
... What will be the next thing emulation of HBs, and Single coils played on various guitars. Itr probably has already been done and I don't know about it. ...
It has, Z....and probably better than the way my 6-year old Boss ME-50 does it. Among the presets in the 'Tone Modify' function on the ME-50, its substitute for a full-range Equalizer, are decent but not awesome ones to sim a Single Coil to a Humbucker, a Hum to a pair of Singles, and a Hum to 1 single. Thing is, you can do the same sort of things if you have a 10-band EQ pedal or unit.

As for this string's topic... I started in the 60's as a Gibson ES330/Fender Deluxe guy. I then added a Tele when I bumped up to a Tremolux, then a Bandmaster. I suppose I was inclined for a brief period to be mainly a Fender/Fender player. Moving on to the mid-70's, the Fender Strat became my go-to axe, but with a Peavey Mace tube amp, and it stayed that way. When I was primarily a bass player for a couple of years, it was with a P-Bass thru a Peavey SS amp/4x12 stack.

Overall, I've never been 'married' to a single brand of guitars/amps, simply because my gigging role was, and remained, best-defined (by me) as "Jack of All Trades, Master Of None," with Rhythm git the main strength, be it electric or acoustic, 6 or 12 strings.