As evidenced by the following statement, I believe you have the right approach...

Quote Originally Posted by sunvalleyaw
d I am going to put on these songs and listen, and hear some fills I could fill space with, and get ready to listen and underplay at first, to just get the feel.
I think you'll do fine Steve. I'm interested in hearing updates about how it goes for you. I'm glad for you to get this opportunity.

I know how you feel as I too am about to take the sink or swim plunge. I was just asked by friends to play solo at their wedding which is at the end of February. I'm working on an original composition. That part is coming along rather well, but the playing in front of people part, that's going to be an adventure for me. I have never played in front of people before other than jamming at parties where there were other people who weren't really paying attention. This will be something very different for me, but it's a step I need to take.