I decided to knock up an external switch box for my Boss RC-2 so I could try out some enhanced functionality. Being me, a plain jane box wasn't going to get with my existing pedals so I had to lather it with lashings of red paint, slap on a waterslide decal and then clear coat it. This is the result:

Remote switch for the Boss RC-2 Loop Station by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

Now those switches aint exactly bulletproof as they are designed for fingers rather than boots, but for messing about at home they do fine. You need to use NC switches in this application, and heavy duty versions are rare and expensive compared to the "standard" NO type.

Don't let the schematic on top fool ya though. Inside it's just a stereo jack, two switches and 20cm of wire. The schematic is actually for a theramin

Functionality wise on the RC-2, the right button works as a stop/tap tempo and the left button performs phrase up.

I've actually been using this box for a while, and if you're considering it, don't bother with a dual switching setup like this. The "stop" button is awesome and a "must have" for the RC-2. No more double tap to stop a loop for a start, but using the stop also enables you to hold down the RC-2 pedal to delete a loop without fear of stopping playback.
The phrase up button is a waste of time though. I don't know why they did it, but Boss only let you phrase up via foot switch, not down, which really cripples it's potential. I would have liked to drop verses and chorus's and so on as separate phrases (which you CAN do) and then flick back and forth between them with two switches (which you CAN'T do). You can twist the phrase select knob left or right to phrase up/down, but that's not really possible with your feet. It does indicate that the circuit could do it easily, they just chose not to. It's theoretically possible I could figure out a mod to do what I want, but if I really want a looper for live and creative use I'd probably grab a boomerang.

Anywayz This box will work with any pedal that is designed to use the boss FS6 so long as latching is not needed. If you wan't to know how to make one just ask.