If you get the SCXD I suggest you consider installing an Emminence "Ragin' Cajun" speaker.

It has over 100dB sensitivity compared to the 95 or less of the stock cheaply made speaker. This means that the SCXD with the Ragin' Cajun is WAY louder than the stock SCXD and should enable you to play in a lot of reasonably loud bands. A few dB doubles the apparent volume of an amp and this increase comes entirely from your selection of a sensitive speaker. The tone is great as well and does not affect the sounds of the models overly.

I have already drownded out a loud drummer with mine and I must admit it was a real pleasure to observe him frantically waving me down as I leisurely moved over to turn down a little. It is really disgusting to have a drummer yell the obligatory, "Hey. Why don't you get a REAL amp!" at you when you show up with an underpowered amp. Plus the SCXD has a speaker jack out to plug into an eight ohm cabinet, four by twelve or whatever, for even more movement of air.

The SCXD has a few good effects built in but excells in the amp modelling area, where it has like eleven Fender amps modelled - and who knows better how to model Fender amps than Fender. Also included are high gain amps from other manufacturers and after some tweaking of the knobs, almost all of the models sound great to me. So I'm sure you will find a bunch of great models yourself.

This amp has a five year warranty, which is a relief, and probably evidence that it is built to last.

People that own the SCXD usually like them very much.

The Bandit is supposed to be a real good solid state amp. I have played a couple and have been amazed at how good they sound. A tube amp is cool to have though.

The Ragin' Cajun costs about 64 dollars US thru places like MF, no affln. You can put it in yourself without any worry, just press down REAL hard when screwing in the bolts when installing the new speaker. You have to compress the gasket material to get the threads to engage but once you do it bolts right up tight. Don't get longer bolts because they will go thru the front and wrap the grill cloth around them as you twist them in and mess up the grill cloth. Just push down hard - it will work. I did my own with no problem and the amp is awesome and loud. I really like that SCXD, as most owners probably do.

Good luck. Hope the info is helpful.