So a bit of an update to a very old thread !

Been a while since I've been here > marriage break up's have taken their toll on my time, mental state for music etc...around Xmas 2011 not long after posting this, my house was broken into and some of my gear stolen

Thankfully my guitars didn't get taken - the thieves came back a week after the first break in to take what they didn't get the first time (I assume) thankfully I had moved all the good stuff out expecting this exact scenario and so my beloved SA2200 is still with me! My pedal board got stolen though Insurance covered everything but took their sweet time...

As can imagine all of this happening during my break up with wife was just about enough for me to give up on everything. Love for the kids kept me hanging in there even if I don't get to see them every day and well, 2 years on the scars are starting to heal and I'm getting back into music again!

So I still have both the Marshall stack and the Roland portable PA. With my insurance payout (and a few extra $$ thrown in from me) I bought a new RC50 looper, a POD HD500 to replace the Boss ME50 and something I'd wanted for a while, a decent acoustic/electric guitar in a 'Cole Clark FLAC2'

I've had the HD500 for a while now but a lack of motivation to learn a new tool hasn't seen it used much and I"ve just been playing the Cole Clark more and more. For some reason I decided to sit down and properly learn the new beast and am glad I did, from patching to downloading custom presets it's alot easier than I thought it was going to be and I'm on the way back!

My next project will be seeing how to make the HD500 portable/hook it up to a portable power supply and go from there....I am guessing if I were to use a large battery/inverter I'd need a pure sine wave inverter with such delecate gear?