Just occurred to me today - somewhere along the line my right-hand position has changed quite drastically.

Unless I'm terribly mistaken, for years I would keep my right hand right at the bridge, resting on the bridge more or less, and that'd be something to watch out with trem bridges, which is why I remember I did so; and later when I played an LP quite as my only axe I rested my hand apparently right in front of the bridge, as I pretty much eroded all plating off the bridge pup.

But, now in recent years, it's been completely different. I find I mostly play and pick my guitars smack in the middle of the pickup area, i.e. somewhere front of the bridge pup. And quite often I will have my hand even well much more forward, quite often even find I'm strumming over the 15th fret or something in certain passages.

Now, is that something that just comes over the years when you've hard-wired the string positions in your brain and no longer need the bridge's affirmation where to pick, or is it a more natural place to pick in strat-style guitars which I've used almost extensively in recent years, or is it because I've gotten my drive and noise levels so low with active pups etc. that I don't need to damp the strings constantly no more?

What is it in your view and style, and where do you pick/keep your right hand?