I guess the biggest thing is there is no real respect or, well maybe respect but not enthusiasm for unknown bands/original music, especially if it's not proper metal.

I've played maybe, I dunno, well over 100 gigs at least, and only in a mere few did the audience really react well. Sure, there may be some whistles and usually some applause, but people just sit and stare 99% of the time when unknown bands play. Occasionally there is a drunk lady or something that comes out to dance in front of the stage at best. And, sometimes, when you have a playing time starting at 01:00 a.m. or so, and people are very drunk already, then they may get into it more and there will be some people dancing, or at least wobbling about and headbanging.

But, dancing etc. is not something you ever see even with big bands. With big bands, people stand in front though and cheer and maybe headbang, but I don't know if I ever saw any dancing on a rock gig. Dance / party bands are a different matter. Rock music is mostly stonefaced, angry-looking crowd in chains and leather and don't much show their appreciation unless very drunk. They just stare at you when you play, and if you're lucky nobody shouts out stupid requests like 'Yo, play Paranoid!' or 'turn up the gain!! Play black metal!' or something :-) even the owner of the club requested we play 'our hardest stuff please'.

Well, I just lifted some of the anxiety off my shoulder; I sorted out the details and the PA system. Here's the plan:

12:00 go to training facility, play a couple of songs to loosen up some, pack up.
14:00 should have stuff in the venue, unpack and set up.
15:00 picking up the PA system (2+2k with sep. subs and monitors)
16:00 soundcheck, after which the PA guy leaves (we'll do the gig mixing ourselves, if any adjustment necessary)
-then we just wait there, maybe eat something.
20:00 the place opens for customers
21:00 we play our set, which is about an hour, regardless of whether there will yet be people or not at that time (probably not yet)
22:30 the second band plays; I'll help them with mixing and then we drink beer, take some of our stuff to safety in the back room
04:00 should already be home and pass out drunk
11:00 set off to dismantle and carry the gear, take the PA back
14:00 the whole ordeal should be over, back to normal living!