Hey thanks, I'm gonna check those out! I play in the worship team for my church, The Oasis. We ROCK OUT and my Mesa is cranked, sitting in another room and mic'd. My fav guitar was my '59 Strat... but after I started to play this EP Dot guitar, I fell in love with the way it felt. Playing harder the Christian rock and then bringing it down to play contemporary hymm like songs, I find that I really need a clear, distinct sound. The "Hot" thing is great when we pump it up, but there are moments that things need to be extra sparkly, not thin but clear. Hope I'm putting everything in the right perspective here. Of coarse, the hollow body thing, adds in a whole different sound to it all together. I'm waiting to hear from someone that went to the new Lindy Fralin "PAF" pickup. I've heard so much about them, but like I previously mentioned... the cost about double as anything else. Thanks so much again!