No, because if I went after a 335, then I'd have to go true vintage like early '60's and that would be another expensive investment that I would have that could be stolen, crushed, etc... My 300 dollar Dot, plus another 3- 400 bucks and it's a rock'in instrument, that's as good as the best I have. I'm telling you, once I started to play it, I really kind of saw what all these hollow body guys see in playing theirs. I never really got that before. It just sits right there for me. I don't think it compares with my PRS for speed for soloing and ease but it's great and seems to be a well built instrument for really cheap! I remember when I first got a Les Paul. After I got over the weight issue (about a week), it just has it's place on you when you're playing it. Now one thing I do have to say about the Dot (at least mine...) is that if I let go... the neck will pull it down, but because I'm wearing the instrument a little lower these days, it's not too much of an issue. Anyways, I love it!

Quote Originally Posted by ZMAN View Post
To Clarify, I was thinking of changing the pickups and pots in my Sheraton. That is when we discussed which way to go.
I ended up not doing it after all. But I did have my pickups changed on a Gibson LP Gold top. I had Burstbuckers installed, and I supplied the Pickups, and a RS guitar works kit that includes the pots, caps, and wires to do the job. That kit is 85 bucks alone.
I have also had the toggle switch changed in two of my Sheratons.
The pickup and pot switch was 75 dollars for my Les Paul, and I am pretty sure it was 50 bucks for each switch including the switch for the Sheratons.
The reason I didn't change all the innards in the Sheraton was that I think the whole thing was going to run me around 350 including the pickups, pots switch and wiring, plus installation in the 100 dollar range. On a 599 guitar it was not worth it.
I think that for a 399 guitar you will spend about the same as the guitar is worth when the day is done. Keep the guitar as is and save for an ES335. That is what I did.