Today, I went to see and talk to one of the techs that work for Joe Glazer. Joe, is a pretty well respected guitar tech in the world, and has a shop here in Nashville. he also owns and represent the "Plek" machine (lazer light sensitivity for; frets, nuts, ect...), an amzing tool. Their shop highly recommends the Lindy Fralin "PAF". Of coarse there are tons of pickups out there and so I'm sure he's just suggesting something that he knows that sounds authentic and holds up for most players. I really did not want to spend $300 on a set of these, so maybe I'll keep an eye open for a used pair on Ebay. We also spoke about the Seymour Duncan JB pickup, too. They thought it would sound a little darker than the Fralin pickup, but also said they were great, and a bit hotter than the Fralin PAF... which I was, kind of wanting. But, they did say that Fralin will over wind the pickups for you, to your specs, if you want that. Of coarse that means going for a brand new ($$) pair. I'm going to call Fralin, and have a brief conversation with him about what I'm looking for, what others here have installed, etc... and see what he says. I guess there's always ebay to find some used Fralins, too. I'd probably go $200 for the pair.) Lots of great information here, some things that I really had no knowledge of... like the waxed pots, etc... Apparently, it's not an easy re-wire or pu install for these Dot guitars. They said that some are wired directly to the switch, and some not. The one's wired to the switch will be "easier" to replace than fishing through the cavity.

I think I've got enough to go on for now. Thanks. If I continue, it's only going to get confusing with so many choices. But please continue to post if you have changed out your pickups on your Dot, 335, Country Gentleman, (hollow body guitars), etc.. so others like myself can appreciate what you have done, through trial and error. Thanks again.