Tip for a great live guitar album - get Mike Landau Group's "Live". I just got in the mail yesterday, and I'm digging it hard. Michael Landau is a great guitar player with a tone among the best I've ever heard. His playing is tasteful and inspirational. I can hear lots of Hendrix influences and also quite a bit of jazz in his playing.

His gear include Custom Audio Electronics amps, Marshall Silver Jubilee, Tom Anderson and Suhr guitars, Gibson SG, Arion SCH-1, Lovepedal, but I'm sure the gear changes quite often for a guy of this caliber.

Players on the album are: Scott Kinsey, Jimmy Johnson, Gary Novak, Toss Panos, Ronald Bruner JR, Chris Roy, Chuck Kavooras. You can get this album at www.abstractlogix.com.

To listen to some of this album's songs, go to Landau's Myspace page - the first song is really awesome - Worried Life Blues, a song I've heard Robben Ford play too.