Quote Originally Posted by Tig View Post
Thanks for the funk riff follow up lesson video. I loves me some funk and need all I can get.
Actually that one wasn't planned but a new guy at my place asked about one of the riffs that I played so I made it another lesson...it's not really something I would play in a funk tune since it's really busy but it is a fun riff to play so it ends up in half of my videos

Quote Originally Posted by tjcurtin1 View Post
+1! I've have been realizing that I really need to concentrate on the right hand and clean up my movement patterns and control. I was just puzzling over where to find some good info, and ...VOILA! Thanks!
Quote Originally Posted by tjcurtin1 View Post
Actually, I think that my question is how do you create/maintain a consistent attack/stroke when combining the choked pick with the wrist motion - other than just practicing it a lot! Any tips/tricks/techniques/suggestions?
A lot of it is just pure repetition. I have my students drill the heck out of this book: http://astore.amazon.com/markweingui...ail/0634011685 and we really focus on the right hand consistency....you have to realize that the right and left hands need to be a little independent of each other and that the right hand is playing every subdivision in a groove and not jsut the parts that the ear hears...