I've been jonesing for an SG for quite a while but the ones I played at GC just didn't do anything for me.

I was wandering around the used music gear store looking for a cheapie gig bag. Came across a couple cool guitars that I decided to try out - BC Rich Trace Warbeast (mmm..pointy), a Squire Showmaster, an Arbor Strat...meh, none of them did anything for me so I was headed to the cash register and low and behold - there's an Epi SG. Pretty rough around the edges - clearly hasn't been cleaned up for some time and has some mojo (read: dings) all over the place.

Didn't look like much but I figured I'd give it a run. From the moment I started playing, it was different. It just "fit" me. Not sure if it's because it's a korean built or if I finally just played enough of them that I found that one that just works. It sounded great and the neck is a bit chunky which fits my hand just right. Weird...but cool!

Place was closing up so I had to crap or get off the pot - you know what happened

Here's some pics - actually cleaned up very nicely!