Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Just yesterday, I was trying to figure out what your configuation was at your church; choir lofts and balconies can vary greatly from church to church. I didn't know you were behind everyone -- that's pretty weird, and it sounds like an awkward place to be in, both literally and in terms of how you're appreciated.
Yeah, it's about the opposite of optimal. For awhile we tried playing up front, but then the Music Director couldn't easily interfere with our volume levels/mix. Unfortunately he's a control freak of sorts. But I guarantee you he's never been to a rock concert in his life, so I'm wondering how his doctorate constitutes being qualified to mix a rock band.

Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I'm glad you had a good time at the concert thing...what would you call it, anyway? A worship concert of sorts?
I think a worship or praise concert is a good description. The actual name they used was NOW-- Night Of Worship. They'd done one previously, so they decided to make this one the second in the series. There was no separate sermon or anything, although their keys/singer/leader did a bit of that "Let's bring it down while I talk about God" stuff I've seen some other praise bands do in concert. Our services at our church are much more formal so that sort of thing is rather outside our experience. We did a praise concert last year at our church and that's as close as we've come to that. But unlike at our church these folks not only showed up but really got into it.