Just over a year ago, I picked up a used Classic Vibe '50s Tele and have really enjoyed this great and amazingly cheap guitar. As described HERE, I changed the neck pickup to a mini-humbucker and put on a different pickguard, then tuned it to open G. I've enjoyed playing it that way ever since--great for many classic Stones tunes, much of the Black Crowes catalog, and for fooling around with slide (even if I am MISERABLE at it!).

Anyway, I decided that I really needed a second Tele with the classic single coil pickup setup to leave in standard tuning. So what better to get than another CV Tele, this time a Custom with the snazzy bound sunburst body and rosewood neck? I checked in with my favorite music store--same place I bought the CV '50s--but they didn't have one in stock. But while poking around on eBay this weekend, I came across a practically new CV Tele Custom from a very solid looking seller at a fair price (esp. considering it was free shipping!). The auction was set up as BIN, so after considering it overnight, I jumped on it yesterday. The guy is only down in NJ, so am hoping to have it later this week.

Coupla pics off the 'Bay: