Knock On Wood, that is. For whatever reason, this Motown classic has been kicking around in my head for about a month. I looked around the 'net for a decent backing track for the tune, and found nothing but pathetic MIDI stuff. But as the Good Book says, "Ask and ye shall receive", so I did that here a few days ago, and the Swede came through with flying colors (thanks again, dude!). So I've been noodling around recording guitar parts over it for a few days, and here's where I'm at:

Your honest appraisals and constructive criticisms welcome!

The rhythm part was a little EVH carryover, recorded with my LP through the AD30VT using the UK80's model and the flanger reverb. The lead parts are done with my Dot using the Tweed 4x10 model with chorus reverb and juiced up with the ToneBone/Bad Monkey combo I've used before. Threw a little CryBaby in there for a few bars, too. Recorded & edited with Audacity, either mic'ing the amp or running the line out directly into my PC's sound card. Ain't gonna win any awards for either the playing or the production value, but it was fun to fool around with....