I don't mind changing strings, just something to tinker with while watching TV usually.

But there's one thing I hate about it; I use a .009 top string and those f***ers are really hard to get to stay on the post without slipping. I always end up battling with it and it's the sole reason I could seriously consider getting those quick-lok tuners some day on my main axe.

Furthermore, the zeronine breaks all too easily. The knot at the ball end just slips quite often, when I do the routine where I yank the slack out of the new string so it stays in tune. Every 3rd time or so when I've finally managed to get the slippery snake trapped in the post and tuned it, and then yank at it carefully to remove any slack---snap! It just comes off at the end, leaving the ball with a short noose around it.

Shucks. I usually buy 5-6 sets of strings at a time, but need at least 4 extra niners before they're ever even on :-)

But, when I'm done with it, and it didn't break, they stay in tune impeccably, and I can't almost ever recall breaking a niner by playing. It's almost always the D string that breaks, sometimes G, if it breaks when playing (which happens once a year or less for me.) Usually the strings get visibly mucky and uneven/black and dull/detuned sounding from sweat before they break.