Well I sold the Gibsun yesterday The tradetang experience was interesting but after buying the LTD, I see what kind of mad quality can be had and have the chance to try before buying as well as not having a fake name on the headstock.

Not that it wasn't a great guitar because it was but because I had to raise funds for a Classic Player Jazzmaster My recent acquisition of the LTD is my fill for LP style and I've been wanting a Jazzmaster for over a year and just haven't made the purchase. HelloMusic.com had them for $600 yesterday so I bought one and am eagerly awaiting the shipping notice.

Got $300 for the Gibsun - posted it on CL at 12 noon and it was flagged for removal ~7pm. In that time I got emails from 7 interested parties and a guy came and bought it that evening. Easiest CL sale I've made in a long time. Guy had bought a few of these "Gibsuns" and loved them - takes those to bars instead of his good gear lol!