I don't know how many of you actually use the single coil bridge pickup on your Fender type guitars. I don't hardly at all and I did want to keep my Strat "traditional"...but I've been wishing I had a useable bridge pickup that would have a little beefiness similar to a humbucker. Not so much for higher output...but just for a smoother tone. Currently I think the bridge pickup is useless to me just because it's way too bright and harsh (ice picky)...although the bridge/middle positions sound cool. I wouldn't want to lose that tone.

I tried the bridge to tone pot mod...but it sounded kinda corky. I wouldn't want to add another pickguard with a humbucker hole in it, but I would consider using a thick sounding single coil pup. Anyone have any experience with a better sounding single coil bridge pup? Any suggestions? Good suggestions? -RobJ