I've been considering a "real" Gibson les paul for quite a while but could never get over the price tag. So flush with extra gear for trading (can't seem to sell squat on CL these days!) and the Guitar Center labor day sale I decided it was the best time to get in for a good price.

I wanted one of the LP Studio's worn brown but of course they sold their last one last night...great...well this was my 2nd choice. I had to play a few of them to find a really good one. The instruments were very different from each other - I suppose this is the result of the hand made or whatever of the process is still handmade. It also has a limited amount of "relicing"...man that's just stupid and I looked at a white that had a whole big section of it where your arm drapes over the body...just stupid IMO.

Anyway the setup is outstanding and the tone is freakin' awesome. The P-90's are a bit noisy but man there is a thick tone that falls right between humbucker and single coil goodness. Very nice tone and the neck plays great. I think the neck is really where you get the difference between the Epi's/Agile's vs. the extra $$$ for the Gibson. It just feels good.

Although that white one I played DID NOT feel good lol! And the fretboard looked to be very dry.

So here she is: