Hello all!

I'm in an acoustic band and we don't have enough money to spend on a studio or expensive equipment, so I've kind of taught myself how to record and engineer music. It's been a challenge! However, we've recorded two albums over the past year with our modest setup, which is:

Guitar (Taylors, usually) --> AKG Perception 170 --> Tascam US-800 Interface --> REAPER

It's not the best setup, especially since we recorded in my friend's living room, but with a little work we can get a pretty good sound The AKG Perceptions are very good mics, and only $100. They're great starter mics, and what we used to record everything. I did all the editing and mixing in REAPER.

Our stuff should be on iTunes soon, but I was posting to get some feedback from people familiar with acoustic recording. We are going to make another album in a few months, and I would appreciate any input that you home recording enthusiasts could offer so that our next album will sound even more professional.

You can listen to some of our stuff on our facebook, or higher quality streams on our website.