I have an Ibanez DE7 that ive been using for about a year now... sounds lush and crisp for an inexpensive pedal. I also have a Memory Toy on the board next to it, but the "echo" effect on the DE7 sounds more like a tape sound so I keep it on. Now for the brain stumper... I play my board every day, every pedal gets used, today I went down and turned on the DE7 and kept playing... for a second... I noticed the light was on and my regular signal was going through, but no delay... no effect... I turned some knobs, changed it from echo to delay, changed the ms... but nothing. I immediately took the pedal off the board, looked it over. It all looked fine. I put a fresh 9 volt in and engaged the pedal again. Light turned on, the usual tiny and i mean TINY noise came through, I could tell it was on. But no delay yet again... no echo... this is worrying me. when I turn the delay level up, I can hear the background noise raise slightly as if the pedal was working.
IM at a loss, I dont know too much about reading pedal schematics, kind of a newbie at that, I dont want to damage anything... but what do I do? what could it be?

and when I DO use power, I have a 9 volt visual sound with an 8 output daisy chain. Which has worked perfectly for atleast a year now.

and before anyone can ask, YES it is in the MONO/WET output, not the dry
