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My PROPER introduction
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Thread: My PROPER introduction

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    Default My PROPER introduction

    I’ve introduced myself previously, but since I had some time on my hands watching a sick kid at home, I thought I could write a proper introduction and also a history of my main gear over the years, if not for any other purpose, then merely for trying to keep it in my own memory at least. So here it goes, complete with a few photos and links to most important videos! See much more at http://deeaa.pp.fi if you like.

    My music hobby begun properly around 1987, when I was in school, and pretty much all my friends – likely inspired by the then-incredibly popular heavy metal bands – got the idea that they’d build electric guitars at the school woodshop lessons. Supposedly it would be an easy enough task...but whatever the various outcomes of the joint venture, it certainly introduced me to making music.

    To be fair, music had been a part of my life of course previously, but almost exclusively classical music or jazz, blues and Motown, which my parents listened to. Aretha Franklin and Beethoven, Dvorak (I still can hum thru most of Dvorak’s New World etc…anyways in '75 or so I had been really keen on the piano as well, eagerly making my own tunes hours on end, until my parents decided to get piano lessons for me. Which abruptly cut that hobby in short; I went for one lesson and nobody knows what happened but I refused to touch the piano ever since. Likely just my innate rebellion trait against doing things like all the others do, heh…

    But let’s get back to the happy ‘80s when we all feared the bomb and were certain USA will attack Russia or vice versa any given day. The woodshop project ended up with me building a quirky guitar that was a sort of a bastard child of a flying-V and an aborted whale fetus, and likely as playable as the latter as well. I ended up making two necks out of birch, as my teacher (yes really, he was always drunk out of his head) spoiled the first neck when sawing the headstock and ‘slipped’ a little…

    Still, it was playable, with one PAF copy mic I had gotten from somewhere (remember I had never even touched a guitar before so it REALLY was a learning experience to build one)…thick neck, as it had no truss rod…but I didn’t even know how to tune it yet. I can only imagine how the sound of me trying to play Smoke On The Water with it thru the family Sony stereo system must have nearly stopped blood in my parent’s veins from running upon hearing the cacophony. Maybe to save the stereo system my dad then bought me a ‘Cub 10’ amplifier, which was covered in some gray matter that could have been mistaken for a Mongol warrior’s saddle cushion, but was capable of reproducing the fine tones my fetus-V was able to produce without a terrible rumbling. And once I gathered enough money for a Boss HM-2 distortion pedal, I could take pride in being able to figure out how to play ‘Paranoid’ and a few other classics over the xmas holidays.

    Later I built another V shaped guitar, this time with a hollow body, with wood bits on the side and veneer on each side…terribly neck heavy naturally….but I still have that neck; used it for building a stone guitar much later in life.

    A year went by and the next xmas I was in extacy expecting an exceptional present. A Musima brand strat-copy. It had a passable neck, rather high action (which I didn’t understand anything about) and all the bells and whistles of strats. Like the usual cheaper 80’s instrument, it held in tune terribly, and was covered all over in very very thick lacquer, under which you could not tell whether the neck wood was maple or compressed toilet paper or perhaps swiss cheese sans the holes.

    By the last year in comprehensive school, 9th grade, I then convinced my parents I had the mad skillz that required me to get a decent guitar, and I got me a Charvel model 3 in electric blue. Built a hard case for it in school woodshop too. Put on lots of stickers and I was a rockstar! By then my hair had also reached a respectable length, and my jacket was adorned with so many studs and all, I was getting plenty of exercise just hauling that jacket and the studded belt and all around.

    And to top it all off, it was soon followed by my first Marshall, a 75 Reverb 1x12” and a bunch of pedals like a chorus. For some reason I ripped the pedals off their covers and built an aluminum box for them, and it also had switches for switching the amp channels&verb, so I ended up with a sturdy 5-button foot controller that was the envy of the whole neighborhood.

    It was with this gear that I put up my first band called ‘Big Deal’. Before that we had of course played some with my buddies, the local church was nice enough to let us use their band room for that, so we’d played some Mötörhead etc. but now, in the 1st year of Highschool (called Upper Secondary School here) I had a proper band. The only problem turned out to be we needed a singer…so before I knew it, I had sold off the Charvel and the Marshall, and instead owned a 500W or so PA system and a Charvel electroacoustic guitar. Which was largely sounding like a cardboard bit with those 1st gen piezo pickups. Although we were 15 to 17 years old, for some reason we suddenly noticed we had gigs in local bars downtown and even smaller festivals. We did a few demo songs too – none of us really knew any music or notes but they turned out OK. Here's my first song ever in studio:


    That lasted some 3 years or so, until I went away for University studies, left home etc. and sold off pretty much every piece of music gear I had save for the mixer, which nobody wanted, and a Boss SE-50 multifx unit I still have. It was 1991 and I moved to a 1-room student apartment with my GF. Oh, she gave me a nylonstring guitar, though, which I also still have. Turned out I didn’t get to studying proper in a few years, so I managed to get a job at a local music store, and that in turn lead me to taking up the hobby again after a pause of maybe a year. I got this white Aria Pro II guitar from somewhere, and a Boss drum machine, and then I delved into making weird recordings using the Boss and the drum machine and two cassette decks for multitracking. Luckily I still have them tapes. Weird stuff. You’d think we’d been on shrooms while writing the lyrics. I visited a few local bands as a singer, until put together the next gigging band, Murphys Kidz. With them we did a few demo releases which got some radio play too.

    I acquired some gear, including a Takamine 12-string into which I put a Fishman piezo as well as a Dean Markley...and a number of ‘visiting’ guitars I can’t even remember but used mainly to hone my setup skills etc. as that is what I also did at the music store I worked at. For gigging purposes I needed an amp, and while I lusted after a Marshall JCM800 or a Bluesbreaker, I had to do with an Ampeg VT-22, which was a mistake. 120 tube watts, incredibly sweet clean sounds, no drive, and weighed like a sin on clergyman’s shoulders; it had power transformers the size of baby heads! Since it had no casters and I was a skinny rocker dude it was just too damned hard to carry (despite yielding nice tones with a Chandler Tube Driver preamp and the Boss in loop).

    And finally, as I worked in a music store and could get great discounts, I went ahead and bought me a transparent wine red Gibson Les Paul Standard, which I subsequently played as my main axe for 13 years that followed. The funny thing about the Gibson is, it cost like the amount of money equal to our yearly food budget, so I didn’t dare tell my fiancé about it at all for a looong time…and when she did find out, well you can guess it wasn’t such fun…

    Anyways….at that point I played Fender amps…the best of the bunch was the red-knob twin, which was actually really good. I used a Boss MIDI controller to get FX from the same old Boss in the loop. (Believe it or not, the damned Boss is now in my JVM’s loop!) The LP received an EMG PA-1 preamp and a TP-6 tailpiece. Many demos done in these years, and loads of gigs, mostly in those college parties.

    "When life's a biatch, be a horny dog"

    Amps: Marshall JVM 410H w/ Plexi Cap mod, Choke Mod & Negative Feedback Removal mod, 4x12", Behringer GMX110, Amplitube 3/StealthPedal

    Half a dozen custom built/bastardized guitars all with EMG's, mostly 85's, Ibanez Artwood acoustic & Yamaha SGR bass, Epiphone Prophecy SG, Vox Wah, Pitchblack tuner plus assorted pedals, rack gear etc. for home studio use.

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    Part II:

    Around this time I put up a band called No Class, with whom I still keep in contact, and the drummer even today plays in two of my bands, Project-43 and Whobody…I went to USA to work for a while, and brought home some gear and loads of song ideas, and we made some nice demos. There started to be nice gigs, but at the height of things the bassist moved to Swizerland, and being such a tight-knit band of friends, it just wasn’t the same without him, and it slowly faded. I started looking at other projects, including gigging with a 70’s rock band as a singer (Eagles, Purple, Heap etc…) but that started to be tiring with up to 2 gigs a week. Even tried putting up an acoustic Pearl Jam tribute group too.

    One No Class tune.

    Finally we put up a band Brutaali Magneetti with my buddy Juho, and it ended up meaning gigging all around the country hauling my gear (at that time mostly a Fender DeVille, still could not afford a Marshall), in a small trailer behind my old Ford Escort. Man. I don’t know how I managed that, it was hard sometimes…but loads of fun. We got quite used to playing very drunk, and then had to come up with a plan that everyone limits it to one sixpack per head before a gig and no hard liquors. Oh, BTW I started as a bassist and bought a 5-string bass too, but swapped to guitar soon enough and the guitarist from No Class become our bassist. (which was fun because he was actually way better a guitarist than either of us guitarists, LOL. Likely the best guitarist I’ve ever played with. He also was an absolutist so he often drove, but after a few years he was also downing whiskey.)

    But then the time finally came that I realized I’d spent 7 years already studying at the Uni, got married and quit the band, just as we were tentatively offered a record deal, won a video contest and had loads of gigs awaiting. The other guitarist and the primus motor of the band didn’t speak to me in a few years due to my decision. But I was fed up with gigging, and deep inside I realized fame and such was not what I wanted to get with music, and I had no choice but to quit. Sold off pretty much everything. Except the Les Paul. (.11 to .52 set then, BTW).

    Again a year or so passed with no music, but then I ended up singing for a hardrock band aura.K, and again found myself gigging as a singer. And again after a while I turned a singer/guitarist/songwriter. I guess I have a habit of hijacking bands, because I’m very prolific and can spit out songs very easily, so soon all the bands I’m in tend to turn into my bands mostly, in a way. Unless there’s another very prolific guy like in Brut Mag.

    Anyway, I could finally afford a Marshall so I got a JMP-1 rig with midi control and a very complex D/I system which I used live. I had a 4x10” cab for personal monitoring. STILL had the SE-50, plus a HUSH unit and whatnot. Still preferred the Gibson, but I was starting to feel its weight by then. This band also started to go well, we even got to play warmup on a huge ice-rink stage and had a video on TV rotation nationally…but again I felt I might get famous this way, so I broke the band up while on gig at some festival in southern Finland. BTW by then I also had a Chevy Van G20 for gig ‘bus’.

    It took me a year..again…to put up D/A and start gigging again. The only problem was I no longer had any desire for band promotion, and despite we released two EP’s for a record company, I was happy with just gigging now and then and didn’t promote it at all. I also bought a Korina Explorer (Epihone) and upgraded it with a PA-2, and a strat (Fenix) and a Mosfet Marshall, and, um, some other stuff I forget.
    Then we started expecting my first son…and once again I weighed the joys of playing w/a band and the scare of maybe becoming famous and the difficulties within, so I quit the band, just as we were invited to take part in a national band competition, LOL. I have a knack for selecting just the perfect time to quit before I ’make it’, luckily.

    Anyways, while we broke up I made a solo release, again, never promoted it any…but still got a release/remix deal for it by an US record label…which turned sour however as the company went bust. Oh well. It also is available on the internet. Around this time I sold away the Gibson and joined Project-43, which entails NO gigging and such, and now we’re on our 4th album already.


    I bought and sold some guitars, like a Jackson with a trem, and around this time I found the EMG’s and the 85 in particular, and one by one they made their way into all my axes. Amps and boxes a plenty; TriAC, H&K Cream Machine, ValveJr. and mods, Tech-21, Boss GT-6, POD XT, weird cabinets, some boutique tube amps…. Marshall 2203 combo…JCM800 for a while..did studio sessions, sang on a few album releases, Dogdays for backing, Refrain as lead singer…got excited again and put up a band named Crankenhaus. Wanted not to sing for a change, so just a guitarst. I ’built’ my best guitar to date; Davette; EMG85 and whatnot.

    That Charvette-based Davette is really the best guitar I have played yet. I gave it a V-shaped neck by sanding down the original deep U, reshaped the headstock and whatnot…took out the trem and installed a fixed Schaller roller bridge. Slowly I had evolved my playing to less heavy-handed and had arrived to what I use still – 9,11,17,32,40,48. Allows for crazy bending wails but also stiff nice chords.

    JMP-1 I swapped for a Peavey Rockmasteriin & Classic 60/60 rig with a 4x12” / greenbacks. We had a bunch of gigs and readied an album release but this time it wasn’t me who shut down the band, but the singer and the guitarist’s other band Bone 5 made it quicker and they had no time for Crank. Too bad. BTW the lyrics for Crankenhaus were almost all written by Keith Adams, a character I got to know from alt.guitar around the same time I met the P-43 guys ther.e But before that happened, I had acquired a Ceriatone 36W head, which I thought I’d never sell, such a nice head it was. It was a pretty straight-up 18W Bluesbreaker-clonew/ 4 EL84. You know the amp. Te cab is 4x12" with G12M & G12L 25W & 35W speakers.

    These were times I tested a huge number of pedals, tubescreamers, you name it, sonic maximiser, Ibanez pedals, DOD…. Marshall Jackhammer however was always my favorite. At some point I got a Carl Martin Octaswitch which was great too. Built another strat with a luthier, as well as a Flying V but with maple neck…and so on. Now I have:

    - Char...Davette (strat-scale) / EMG85 + SA
    - JJ/custom strat, EMG 85 + SA
    - Squier strat, EMG85
    (Classic Player I ripped apart with a hacksaw…great rocker!).

    - Yamaha RG, EMG81 + PA2 booster (gibson scale)
    - Epiphone Propechy GX (more like EX now, EMG81TW + 89).
    - D/A Model-X scratchbuilt, Tesla AS-2

    Then the stone guitar, Ibanezin SGR bass…Landola nylon… Ibanez Artwood…and Superbiore of course, LOL...(http://deeaa.pp.fi/superbiore/superbiore). And the stone guitar.

    I haven’t mentioned all my amps either in between, like Vox AD30VT, Tech-21 TM-10, Uraltone.

    Now I have a Marshall JVM with the same old Boss in loop and I’m happy for a change again!
    And I’m getting the urge for building something soonish…so maybe I’ll design something funky again soon.

    JVM and Davette, which I play in my current live band 'Spookbox'

    "When life's a biatch, be a horny dog"

    Amps: Marshall JVM 410H w/ Plexi Cap mod, Choke Mod & Negative Feedback Removal mod, 4x12", Behringer GMX110, Amplitube 3/StealthPedal

    Half a dozen custom built/bastardized guitars all with EMG's, mostly 85's, Ibanez Artwood acoustic & Yamaha SGR bass, Epiphone Prophecy SG, Vox Wah, Pitchblack tuner plus assorted pedals, rack gear etc. for home studio use.

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    Wow. Someday I'll get around to reading this entire thing, but I figured I should say it: welcome, deeaa! Good to have you here -- I'm sure you'll like it on this forum.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spudman
    Does anyone read the original post?
    Guitars: Gibson LP Studio, MIA Fender Precision, Carvin C350
    Amps: Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 + Avatar B212 / Genzler 12-3, Acoustic B20
    Pedals: Pod HD500X, Diamond Compressor, Tech 21 VT Bass, Sonic Research Turbo Tuner

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    Apparently a fan of Tolstoy......

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    Been writing a lot in recent years...both for work, plus I have a couple of books in the works...one is ~500 pages of fantasy fiction and in the proofreading phase...so I don't mind writing even longish passages...

    "When life's a biatch, be a horny dog"

    Amps: Marshall JVM 410H w/ Plexi Cap mod, Choke Mod & Negative Feedback Removal mod, 4x12", Behringer GMX110, Amplitube 3/StealthPedal

    Half a dozen custom built/bastardized guitars all with EMG's, mostly 85's, Ibanez Artwood acoustic & Yamaha SGR bass, Epiphone Prophecy SG, Vox Wah, Pitchblack tuner plus assorted pedals, rack gear etc. for home studio use.

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    Just bustin' your stones, Dee

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