Quote Originally Posted by deeaa View Post
The Mustang's phones output will work very well...in fact I don't think I'd even consider getting another modeler if you can use the Mustang like that. Much better to use the same familiar amp in various uses.
Yeah, that's my thinking too. I've grown to like the new Fender modeling stuff quite a bit. It's very good at that in-between grit when compared to a lot of the other modeling stuff I've tried in the past. It was certainly a good deal for the $60 I spent on it.

That last bit you said - each of the digital models seems to behave very differently from each other - that's a very good notion. That is, IMO, the biggest plus but also the biggest nuisance to any digital modelers.

These days the modelers, hell, even VST plugins handle the revered 'picking dynamics' very well, that isn't the problem...the problem is that the models themselves are rather rigid. You _can_ change the sound by playing and such, and whatnot, but nevertheles...you always need a different patch for each song almost.


With modelers, I think I can get even a better sound than 'real' at least on recordings, but still, it's always just for that song I'm working on. Almost always when I bring up the saved patch for another song, it just won't work no more. I always end up browsing thru the amp models for that particular need.
I suppose this could be true, though many of the models I've tried recently seem like they could be quite versatile. It's part of the reason I'm rather eager to try some of this stuff live and with a band -- to see whether I can just park it on one model and keep it there, as well as to see how it behaves in a mix.

I ordered a slew of adapters for headphone playing (my cans only have a 1/4" plug) and lining out to the mixer from the headphone out on the amp, so I'll see how this whole thing shakes out.