I dunno - it's not that it's scary to rock out or what other people might think - it's just that it makes me personally feel stupid. I don't move an extra muscle when I'm playing in training, or move anything special etc. so I feel like I'm faking it if I were to do it on stage - and that fake aspect is what makes me feel awkward. If I never do such things naturally or alone, I don't feel secure trying to do something like that live either.

I guess, I used to mosh out some when I was in my teens, and at least when very drunk, but...I don't usually much more than maybe nod my head slightly but approvingly to other bands either, if I watch them live. No reason to cause a commotion. I never understood watching sports either and why do people have to make such a racket watching games - why can't they just sit quietly and enjoy the game :-)

True story, kinda related...once the band was auctioning for a bassist. Had some auditions. Plan was to play a Metallica song, Sanitarium or something, so the auditees would know the song. Anyway this bassist comes up...seems like a cool guy...but then when the band plays and the song starts going, he starts suddenly waving his hair and jumping in place and generally acting as if playing live...the band members just watched in astonishment and one by one quit playing because they were laughing so hard, and the bassist guy was the last to stop...he realized everyone else had quit playing and were laughing with tears in their eyes, and he just picked up his gear and left without saying a word :-)