Quote Originally Posted by deeaa View Post
Seriously, I never did learn how to show off while performing...even as a lead singer I often placed my mic to the side of the stage and just stood there off the limelight the entire gig. Yeah, often people said they wished I'd move a little during the performance, but, well, I just don't want or know how to do that; I'd just feel like I look silly. Much the same as dancing - I have had to move my feet a few times on the floor, such as my wedding, but it just seems to me like something real men don't do. Much like smiling and reacting to people ;-) no, I'm kidding...partially. I guess I'm just such a stiff. I wish I could perform like that.
I can understand that mentality. I generally try not to take myself too seriously, but I definitely see where you're coming from, and I agree with it to some degree.

You're kind of the anti rock star, Dee. Shying away from big hits, dismantling bands as they start to take off, hating the limelight and being the front man, etc. It's very interesting to me, because you're so good with music and so knowledgeable about so much of it. It's almost as if you really are just in it for the music, which tends to be a hollow cliche bandied about by fame-seekers everywhere. To have someone who actually means that has almost become ironic by this point.