Quote Originally Posted by Tone2TheBone
Congrats buddy. I may sell some pedals and get one of those babies myself. Good to see you post again. Great samples you guys.
I wanna add a sample..

Man, you guys got to understand.. till a few years ago I didn't have a clue what made any sounds!

Ok, So I can't use many of them yet..lol.. but this thing is so cool..

Just listening to chords strummed in the space station - synth swell setting.. sheesh..
(Mind you, this is not related to my Hemp mention in another posting..Umm I don't think anyways)

I just can't believe something can do so much with so little (Im the little)

Here is me sample.. ignore the playing.. but pickup on the idea of how cool this is..

You guys that can play... it would be awesome..

Guitar+ex7+amp or computer.. sheesh.. it's a symphony!!

Umm this is me just strumming chords to the song City of New Orleans..
One take.. no trying to get it right.. justa messing.. saved in 117kps speed..so... anyways... listening to it live.. wow.. it's "Magic"
all that sound.. one guitar.. nothing else.. sheesh.. Im amazed!!