Took my ES-339 out to band rehearsal yesterday. The guitar sounds so nice and fits so extremely well with Bluesrock. It cuts perfectly through the band sound and it stayed bravely in tune. Especially for the bluesier tunes this is the perfect weapon. Still can not believe the bang for the buck. The semi hollowness delivers something really special that forms the single note. As always you can not compare the bedroom sound to the real thing. This is where an instrument and alos an amph have to "survive". I am of course aware of the fact that my Two Rock is part ofthe beuatiful sound, but even at home playing the ES through a software based amph, it still sounds fantastic. Again, I am happy I made the move and bought it. I had no predjudices against guitars produces in Asia/India, but I know there's lots of "dumb knowledge" out there. I think these folks in Qingdao, China, where the Epiphone factory is located do a very good job. I definitely do not feel the need to mod something. Looking forward to gigging with the Epiphone.