Quote Originally Posted by Yamaha Guitar Development View Post
No problem - I have a lot of experience with THR (unsurprisingly) and it is genuinely a fantastic sounding amp when it's used how it was designed to be used (mine is on my office desk!). I was particularly happy with the sound on this video, but it's genuinely just the direct sound.
I think the catch might be that you have to be able to play like Soren... ;-)
Thanks for the response, one last question though, I noticed from the reviews that the THR records both a wet and dry signal. Does the THR or included software allow re-amping of that dry signal or would I need a VST amp package to do that separately? BTW since watching this video I've fallen in love with those new Pacifica 611's too.... You guys in Yamaha will not be popular with my wife Great job on these new products!